Our hotel received first guests in April 2017, and during this year over 26,000 trusted us!!!
Thank you for choosing us and for the trust you give us.
Especially for you, we have prepared a competition in which you can win:
1st Place:
2-day stay (1 night) for 2 people at the ARCHE CZESTOCHOWA HOTEL with a photo session taken during the stay by our partner Bottega Films Studio
2nd Place:
Dinner for 2 at the Arche Vita Restaurant
3rd Place:
A packet of sweets prepared by our confectioner
The rules are simple and the methods are two:
- show us in the pictures how your time spent in Arche Hotel Częstochowa or in the ArcheVita Restaurant looked like
- if you were not yet with us, expand the sentence "I want to visit the Arche Hotel Częstochowa because ......."
Remember - creativity and ingenuity count.
To participate in the competition one must between 16/04/2018 and 30/04/2018:
1. Facebook:
a. send a photo or description on the profile of the Arche Hotel Częstochowa and place it in the commentary under the dedicated competition post.
2. Instagram:
- post a picture of your visit in our hotel on your profile, mark photo @archehotelczestochowa and add tags #archehotelczestochowa #pierwszeurodziny #konkurs
- place the description under the competition photo on the profile @archehotelczestochowa in the comment mark @archehotelczestochowa and add hashtag #archehotelczestochowa #pierwszeurodziny #konkurs
From the replies we will choose the most interesting and creative ones.
It will be very nice if you also like our profile on FB and Instagram.
We are waiting for your answers!